Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 9: Thing 23

This program has been interesting. I have my favorites and ones that I still used.I have recently setup a blog for books that I have read with Library Thing to advertise the books. I just have to make time to do the blog.
Another item I still use is Bloglines to keep current of deals on the internet and what going on in the world of wrestling. I check Bloglines everyday and will continue to do so.
I like this program and would participate in this again. I feel programs to help staff learn new technology is very valuable and help to branch out how the library can reach it's customers.
The program was very well thought through and I would like to do the rest of the 43 things at another time.

Week 9: Thing 20

I like youtube one of the wrestling shows that I watch uses youtube to advertise for their show. This is a link to wrestling bloppers.
Youtube is very good for libraries to show storytime and other events that can be viewed.

Week 9:Thing 21

I liked podcastalley directory better than podcast. Podcast did not seem to have an recent ones for the subjects I like. Podcastalley had a review of wrestling business for the week show. I will be exploring this site in more depth.
I found one library podcast that has not been updated since May. It is called library geek and is very interesting, because of the subject matter. Most of the libraries were using podcast to promote events.

Week 9: Thing 22

While downloading an audiobook may sound great, it takes up space and takes too long to download. The download speed is not very good for those who have mid to low range connection speed to the internet. I have used Overdrive before to download Christine Feehan's books and it took very long with Verizon broadband internet.

I also downloaded an audiobook from Amazon and had the same problem. I did not like having to download software to my computer.

I definitely will not be trying this anymore.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 8: Thing 19

I tried the social networking site of Ning. I wanted to join a network of lovers of romance novels. I did not find anything interesting. I don't think that this site is for me. I just wanted to know someone who reads the same stuff as me and could give me any new authors. I would love to talk about my authors. This is a very interesting idea, because book discussion at the library are not about the topics I am interested in. I will try to either start a group or find one with my style of reading.
It seems very similar to Yahoo groups which I am currently a member. I think I like Yahoo better, because I can find people who read along the same topics. I also like Yahoo because it is not graphics heavy.

Week 8: Thing 18

I used Zoho Writer to create a document for work. I like the easy of everything. The images for editing your documents are easily displayed. I like how page break is an images so you do not have to hunt it down like in Word
I am not a big fan of Microsoft Word and would make Zoho my first option, when typing up a document. I try to have the most current copy of Wordperect at hand, but that is not always possible. If I had to choose between Word, Wordperfect or Zoho, I would chose Wordperfect or Zoho depending on my purpose of use.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 7: Thing 17

I likes adding to the Maryland Libraries Sandbox. I wish the lesson was to add to a subject of interest. I am definitely going to add a link on a wiki. It was very easy.

Week 7: Thing 16

I like the idea of wikis, because you can add to the homepage of a particular subject. Before this exercise I visited wikipedia to learn about some wrestlers. I like being able to update the information or other users updating the information.

My favorite wikis are the ones about a particular subject. It helps to have the site continually updated by different users and to not depend on the originator for updates. It also broaden the scope of the subject by how others search/ look at the subject.

I also like the book lovers were you could list a link to a review on a book. The wiki had different types of literature and a link to the review done by different people. If I am into romance, I could use the wiki to read reviews or add reviews of books. It helps me because I am not always into the type of books being discussed at book talks here at the library.

A book lovers wiki helps bring in the teens and young adults. Book talks often forget about teen and young adults. They read different literature then adults. They often will not take the time to come in for this type of event, but if you ofter them a place to go online and check out books in a event of a book lovers' wiki night, then I think they would come.

In general it helps those at home to use library resources of databases, because the wiki would list terms and a link to a section on a database for that particular subject. It is more attractive to users then just a homepage of links to different databases.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Week 6:Thing 15

I like the article from Rick Anderson. I totally agree with his points. We as library staff must educate ourselves on the new technology available. These new technlogies will enhance how we answer patron questions in person and remotely. We will know how to shape our services in such a way that users will find them with less road blocks.

Week 6: Thing 14

When searching for Learning 2.0 blogs through blog search, the blog were about how to do different things. Tagging definitely seems closer way to search for Learning 2.0. Blog directory shows learning 2.0 items from around the world.
I like technorati, because of the different views and news that you can learn about on your subject.

Week 6: Thing 13 is nice, but not something that I would use. I like the idea of tagging and having user notes available. It is very useful for gettting around the internet from any computer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week 5: Thing 12

I liked Rollyo because I have a hard time finding and keeping track of the deals. I listed the results of my creation of the right.

Week 5: Thing 11

My Personal Library Catalog

I mostly read romance novels. This is much easier to use than what I started out with. I used to catalog my books with excel.

Week 5: Thing 10

I created a ticket for my favorite past time. I would love to visit Orlando, Florida to see them.
Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland

This is my avatar that I created with yahoo avatar.
Image Generators are so much fun and they are easy to use. I would like import an image for my blog page.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 4: Thing 8 & 9

I used Bloglines to sign for library news and also published blogs on personal issues of feeds I found. I like Library Journal News very much. I have always wondered what other libraries are doing.

It is nice to know that other libraries have trouble establishing what is acceptable in the technology field. One library are baning use of Myspace in the children's area. Another library has trouble with people passing through the filters established at their computer terminals.

I think these issues are just the tip of a very large problem the is impacting the community and the libraries' ability to get funding.

PLA brought up some interesting uses of technology. Many libraries are using blogs and programs like Flickr to advertise their library. It put in perspective why we are learning about technology through the 2.0 program.Whiles these programs are nice, the feed also raises the topic of etiquette.

The feed It All Good was not important to my job and I had no idea what some of the programs are about. If I knew about this organization was about, I would have appreciated it more.

The Merlin feed was nice to display in bloglines so it was not image heavy. I like how you can get a summary of all the topics on Merlin without reading everything.

I also looked into other feed finding sites. I have two favorite. One the sited that I liked was Technorati because of the many links to feeds. It went as far as to list the most popular ones. Using that site I was able to finally visit the Boing-Boing site that I have heard so much about. Both sites are not complex in writing style so you get the message quick.

I have a hard time keeping up with the news about Baltimore. With sites such as Topix, can subscribe to feeds that will enable me to keep up.

I found Feedster in my search to be too specific or too general in topic search.

Week 3 Thing 7

E-books are one of the items that I could not survive without. I love being able to download and read my books. With programs like Abode, you can even allow the software to read it for you. E-books are often cheaper and more ecologically friendlier than paper produced books.

One negative is the copyright laws on them which prohibit you from printing, emailing, or sharing them. I like to make a copy of the files in case my computer crashes.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 3: Flickr and Mashup

I explored Flickr and found a cool photo. I love all of the photos done by Tex Flix. The colors are vivid and full of emotion.

On the whole, the Flickr communtiy is very interesting. Most of the photos that I have seen are copyrighted, which is why I did not include an image. I would like to explore the different groups according to their interest.

I saw a mashup with a map and photos pointing to different points on the map. This is defintely nice tool. I like how you could use one mashup to create name badges with pictures. This would be something to use in the library system instead of the standard ones.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week 1: Thing 1&2 ; Week 2: Thing 3&4

Registering and Posting was not hard.
The hardest thing from the 7 and 1/2 habits is having confidence in oneself. At times, I let outside forces distract me from my goal. If I could only I could use technology to help me in some way which just happens to be the easiest habit.