Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 4: Thing 8 & 9

I used Bloglines to sign for library news and also published blogs on personal issues of feeds I found. I like Library Journal News very much. I have always wondered what other libraries are doing.

It is nice to know that other libraries have trouble establishing what is acceptable in the technology field. One library are baning use of Myspace in the children's area. Another library has trouble with people passing through the filters established at their computer terminals.

I think these issues are just the tip of a very large problem the is impacting the community and the libraries' ability to get funding.

PLA brought up some interesting uses of technology. Many libraries are using blogs and programs like Flickr to advertise their library. It put in perspective why we are learning about technology through the 2.0 program.Whiles these programs are nice, the feed also raises the topic of etiquette.

The feed It All Good was not important to my job and I had no idea what some of the programs are about. If I knew about this organization was about, I would have appreciated it more.

The Merlin feed was nice to display in bloglines so it was not image heavy. I like how you can get a summary of all the topics on Merlin without reading everything.

I also looked into other feed finding sites. I have two favorite. One the sited that I liked was Technorati because of the many links to feeds. It went as far as to list the most popular ones. Using that site I was able to finally visit the Boing-Boing site that I have heard so much about. Both sites are not complex in writing style so you get the message quick.

I have a hard time keeping up with the news about Baltimore. With sites such as Topix, can subscribe to feeds that will enable me to keep up.

I found Feedster in my search to be too specific or too general in topic search.

Week 3 Thing 7

E-books are one of the items that I could not survive without. I love being able to download and read my books. With programs like Abode, you can even allow the software to read it for you. E-books are often cheaper and more ecologically friendlier than paper produced books.

One negative is the copyright laws on them which prohibit you from printing, emailing, or sharing them. I like to make a copy of the files in case my computer crashes.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 3: Flickr and Mashup

I explored Flickr and found a cool photo. I love all of the photos done by Tex Flix. The colors are vivid and full of emotion.

On the whole, the Flickr communtiy is very interesting. Most of the photos that I have seen are copyrighted, which is why I did not include an image. I would like to explore the different groups according to their interest.

I saw a mashup with a map and photos pointing to different points on the map. This is defintely nice tool. I like how you could use one mashup to create name badges with pictures. This would be something to use in the library system instead of the standard ones.